
Supporting providers in delivering quality care services

ihcp is the recognised body responsible for representing those providing services for older people and vulnerable adults in Northern Ireland. We represent private, not-for-profit, charity and church-affiliated organisations providing residential and nursing home care, sheltered housing, day care and care in the home. The independent sector provides services to over 50,000 people across Northern Ireland every day and employs over 34,000 people.

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What we do

Independent Health and Care Providers (ihcp) is a non-profit making membership organisation representing our members who provide care to older people, vulnerable adults, including those with learning disabilities or mental health problems and for those people with other special needs. Our aim is to influence positive change that enables members to provide and maintain good quality services through building constructive engagement with the key policy decision makers on social care. We increase public awareness through regular media  engagement and work closely with all other stakeholders on social care issues including RQIA, COPNI, PHA, Department of Health, NISCC and Health Trusts. 

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Become a member

You can influence the future of care services by joining ihcp. You can add your voice to the many care homes and organisations that strive together to promote high quality care, dignity and choice. You will find the relevant information about membership under the Members Area menu at the top of this website

Being a member of ihcp enables your voice to be heard and provides a forum whereby you have access to timely information, can learn from others and can join members events which run throughout the year.

Sponsor Partner

Our sponsor partners bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and an understanding of the social care sector in Northern Ireland. 

If you wish to become a sponsor partner of ihcp, get in touch today by filling in our sponsor partner sign-up form.

ihcp is partnered with My Home Life

Care home managers and staff play a unique role in supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our society.  The My Home Life Leadership Support Programme has been developed specifically for care home managers and staff in leadership roles. My Home life is an international initiative that promotes quality of life and delivers positive change in care homes. The MHL initiative is a leadership support programme. In Northern Ireland we provide the leadership programme with an additional quality Improvement strand and the programme is led by Ulster University in partnership with Age NI and the Independent Health Care Providers (IHCP).



What our members say:

As a long standing member of ihcp I can recommend the opportunity for networking as second to none. The way in which ihcp has developed over the years is a credit to the executive leadership. As a lobbying and representative group there is no better informed representative organisation of the care sector in NI and the role of ihcp will only get stronger as more people join and offer their input and experience to the group. Better together is my own experience of ihcp and I would encourage others to join and become fully involved.

Hutchinson Care Homes

ihcp has been an invaluable support over the years of our membership, the pandemic has strengthened the importance of the organization who have taken a holistic approach -speaking up, advocating and lobbying for the sector, focusing on operators, staff, residents and families to support the delivery of person-centred compassionate quality care. They have been a constant source of support, provided opportunities to link in with other service providers, always quick to try and help when an issue is identified or information/clarity needed, they have been instrumental in developing opportunities for engagement and having our voice heard

Belfast Central Mission

ihcp has proved to be an excellent, responsive forum within which to further these aims, where we have gained much knowledge and where we trust we have shared ideas, leveraged and lent our voice in the spirit of sector togetherness. ihcp channels and strengthens the voices of all Independent Sector Provider members and amplifies our individual and collective matters of concern in those forums where impactful and meaningful decisions, which matter most to us, are taken.


Optimum Care

Towell House have been supported by ihcp through very difficult periods with immeasurable presence; offering vast amounts of updates and guidance. They are always on hand to be proactive on issues and have canvassed assistance resulting in solutions. ihcp manage our industry concerns speaking with one voice for all care providers.





Towell House

ihcp provide a voice for the sector – a voice that is listened to by the government, but also, just importantly, by the media.
ihcp provide a voice for small organisations like ourselves, who find it difficult to be heard.
ihcp represent the sector in many fundamental ways, such as regional tariff increases, policy development, care sector development.
ihcp have been central in advocating to the Dept of Health to ensure members received adequate funding (and PPE) throughout the pandemic.
ihcp provide a balanced, non-reactive, and representative voice to the media to counter balance the often negative stories heard by the general public.

Castleview PNH

We have been a member of IHCP for a number of years now. As a small group of care homes we feel the benefit of being part of a much larger organisation that exists to provide healthcare providers like us support and representation.

The IHCP provides us with a forum to share ideas with like-minded providers which gives us opportunity to improve our services.

In our opinion the main benefit of IHCP membership is the voice and representation we have at Department of Health level. This affords us the opportunity to help influence policy decisions through direct input at ministerial level and to hear about these policies and decisions without delay.

If anything the pandemic really highlighted the benefit of IHCP membership as it exposed the support that is gained by a collective.

Burnview Healthcare

Age NI greatly appreciates the support we receive from IHCP including up to date information, opportunities to meet other care providers, share areas of concern and have these raised with key decision makers. The team are very approachable and excellent advocates for the sector.

Age NI